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Treating Incontinence in Women: Medication


In some cases, medication can help improve or relieve incontinence. Most of the time, medication is given mainly for urge incontinence. But medication may also help some cases of stress incontinence. Your doctor can discuss your options with you. Know how to take your medication correctly. Also know what side effects to expect.

Medication for Incontinence

Below are some types of medications that may help treat incontinence.

  • Anticholinergics may increase the amount of urine the bladder can hold. They may also help relax bladder muscles.
  • Alpha-adrenergics may help tighten the bladder neck and urethra.
  • Estrogen may help improve muscle tone in the urethra and bladder.
  • Antibiotics can treat a urinary tract infection if one is present.

Tips for Taking Medication

  • Take your medication on time and as your doctor has instructed.
  • Ask what side effects to expect with your medication. Tell your doctor if you have any side effects. Your doctor may be able to minimize side effects by adjusting your dosage.
  • Be patient. Some adjustments may be needed before the right dose is found for you.
  • Keep a list of the medications you take. Show the list to any doctor you visit for treatment. Also show it to the pharmacist before you buy any over-the-counter medications. Some over-the-counter medications can make incontinence medication less effective. Certain medications may also make incontinence worse.
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