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Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Surgery for Rectocele and Enterocele


Rectocele is when the rectum bulges into the vagina. Enterocele is when the small intestine bulges into the vagina. The goal of surgery is to repair the problem and relieve your symptoms.

The Surgical Procedure

To correct a rectocele, a posterior repair is done through the vagina. The rectum is restored to its normal position. Sutures(stitches) are placed between the vagina and the rectum. An enterocele can also be corrected during the posterior repair. To do this, the small intestine is moved away from the vagina. Sutures are then used to tie off the excess tissue that had bulged into the vagina.

Your Incisions

During surgery, the doctor reaches your pelvic organs through the vagina or the abdomen. An incision may be made in the vaginal wall. If incisions are made on the abdomen (lower belly), they can be vertical (up and down) or transverse (across).

Possible Risks and Complications of Surgery

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Risks of anesthesia
  • Damage to nerves, muscles, or nearby pelvic structures
  • Blood clots
  • Prolapse of the pelvic organ or organs occurring again
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