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Vaginal Infection: Trichomoniasis


Trichomoniasis (often called "trich") is caused by a one-celled organism that is passed from one partner to another during sex. Men with trichomoniasis often don't have any symptoms and don't know that they are infected. The organism can live and multiply in the vagina for weeks or months before symptoms develop.

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

  • Foamy gray or yellow-green discharge
  • Foul odor
  • Intense vaginal itching, redness, and swelling at opening of vagina
  • Pain during sex

Treating Trichomoniasis

Trich is treated with antibiotic pills. Be sure that you:

  • Finish all of your medication, even if your symptoms go away.
  • Avoid alcohol until you're finished with your medication.
  • Tell your partner so that he can seek treatment and be tested for other STDs.
  • Avoid sex until you and your partner are both finished with treatment.

Why Treatment Matters

Untreated trich can lead to:

  • Increased risk of preterm delivery if you are pregnant.
  • An abnormal Pap test result.
  • Possible increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
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