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Pregnancy and Childbirth: Conditions That Require Special Care During Delivery


Typical position for descent

Babies often move down between the pelvic bones (descend) before birth. If this is your first pregnancy, this may happen 2 to 4 weeks before labor. With repeat pregnancies, the baby may not "drop" until labor begins. The baby usually moves down head first. If your baby is not in a safe position for birth, or if there is a problem with the placenta, you may need special care. A cesarean may also be needed.

Conditions That Require Special Care

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD): Baby's head is too big for the pelvis.

Breech position: Baby is positioned with feet or buttocks first.

Transverse position: Baby lies horizontally across the pelvis.

Placental abruption: Placenta separates from the uterus. 

Placenta previa: Placenta blocks the cervix.

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