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Fallopian Tube Catheterization (Recanalization)


Fallopian tubes carry a woman's eggs from her ovaries to her uterus (womb). If sperm and an egg meet in the fallopian tube, the egg is fertilized. The fertilized egg then travels to the uterus and pregnancy begins. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, fertilization can't happen. Fallopian tube catheterization helps open blocked tubes to improve a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. The procedure is done by a specially trained doctor called an interventional radiologist.

Before the Procedure

The procedure will be scheduled for shortly after your menstrual period ends. This ensures that you are not pregnant when it is done. To prepare:

  • Take antibiotics, if prescribed, for a few days before and after the procedure.
  • Take pain medication, if prescribed, before the procedure.
  • Arrange for someone to give you a ride home after the procedure.

During the Procedure

  • You will lie on an x-ray table in the same position as you do for a pelvic exam.
  • An IV (intravenous) line may be started to give you medication to keep you from feeling pain.
  • speculum (small metal or plastic tube) is inserted in the vagina to hold it open. A catheter(thin, flexible tube) is inserted through the cervix into the uterus.
  • Contrast medium (x-ray dye) is injected into the uterus and fallopian tubes. An x-ray is then taken. This diagnostic test, called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), is done to pinpoint a blockage in the fallopian tube.
  • Using x-ray images as a guide, the interventional radiologist places the catheter in the opening of the fallopian tube.
  • Fluid is injected into the fallopian tube through this catheter to clear the blockage. Sometimes, the catheter has a small balloon on the end that is inflated to help clear blockage.

Potential Risks and Complications

  • Perforation of a fallopian tube
  • Pelvic infection
  • Problems due to contrast medium, including allergic reaction or kidney damage
  • Tubal pregnancy
  • Radiation exposure to reproductive organs

After the Procedure

  • Some cramping and mild bleeding is common for 3-5  days.
  • Do not use tampons or have sexual intercourse for 24-48  hours after the procedure.
  • Call the doctor if you have severe pain, excessive bleeding, or a fever over 100.4°F.
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